15 October World Hand Washing Day
2022-05-21 05:54:28
With the support of UNICEF, 15 October is celebrated as “World Handwashing Day” in more than 100 countries. The purpose of the event is to encourage people all over the world to wash their hands with soap and water, not only for one day, but to draw attention to hand washing with soap and water throughout the year, and to inform children about hygiene.
The theme of World Handwashing Day this year is “OUR HANDS, OUR FUTURE…”
“With proper hand washing, disease outbreaks can be prevented, school absenteeism reduced, and health outcomes improved. Despite these benefits, handwashing with soap is low and the results are tragic. 1.4 million children die each year from diarrhea or pneumonia. Infections are the cause of 15% of newborn deaths. Hand washing with soap is an effective way to prevent these losses.”