Check-up and Wellness Unit

Check-up and Wellness Unit

General Health Screening “Check-up”
Check-up is a general health screening that aims to detect possible diseases at an early stage and take precautions so that the person stays healthy.

Early diagnosis is extremely important in some diseases, especially cancer. For this reason, early diagnosis of such diseases as a result of check-up scans increases the success of treatment. Early awareness and early treatment in every field of medicine and every disease increases the life comfort of the person and prolongs the life span.

Istanbul Surgery Hospital Specialists, who recommend having a check-up once a year in order to catch diseases at an early stage, help you choose the most suitable program for yourself among the check-up programs.

Check-up programs vary according to the age, gender, genetic characteristics, lifestyle and past health history of the person.

Check-up Packages Offered at Istanbul Surgery Hospital;

  • VIP Check-up – Female/Male
  • Over 40 Check-Up – Female/Male
  • Under 40 Check-Up – Female/Male
  • Standard Check-Up Package – Female/Male
  • Economic Check Up – Female/Male