Coronary Artery Disease and Interventional Methods

Coronary Artery Disease and Interventional Methods

2022-05-20 08:31:54/ Kategori : Cardiology

Arteries are vital for the continuation of life. These vessels, which carry nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs, are the target in cardiovascular diseases. The arteries that feed the heart are called coronary arteries. Vascular occlusion occurs when the innermost smooth surface of the three-layered vessel structure is disrupted by the plaques formed into the vessel. It is also necessary to mention the issue of coronary plaque, which I always talk about and draw to our patients. These plaques start in the form of fatty streaks at a very early age, especially in the aorta, which is our main artery. Reasons such as heavy smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, vascular disease in the family, especially in the first degree relatives, high cholesterol levels, obesity, inactivity and psychological stress cause these plaques to enlarge and block the vessel. In these plaques, mainly connective tissue cells, fat-storing cells, cholesterol crystals and calcium accumulate. If the plaque becomes sensitive, that is, ready to explode due to the reasons mentioned above, the substances in the plaque pass into the vascular space, even if the vessel is not completely occluded. When these substances come into contact with blood, they cause clots to form suddenly and the artery can be completely blocked. This causes heart attacks and sudden death.

Our patients apply to us with 3 situations. The first is to apply to the emergency department with a sudden heart attack or cardiac arrest. This requires basic and advanced life support and rapid balloon and/or stenting in the emergency catheter laboratory. The other form of admission includes patients who are milder than the first case, but who have new-onset or long-term complaints. These patients are also referred to coronary angiography and interventional treatment, if necessary, after careful examination and necessary tests. Another group is our patients whom we catch during routine check-ups, even though they do not have a major complaint, among them diabetics, smokers and those with a serious family history.

A feeling of pressure, burning, tightness and heaviness in the chest, spreading to the jaw, left or right arm, back or stomach are typical features of cardiovascular pain. This is called angina. It is typical for this complaint to last between 5-30 minutes. This type of pain or discomfort in the chest for a longer time can be a sign of a serious heart attack. I suggest you seek immediate assistance. In addition to these complaints, conditions such as shortness of breath, palpitations, fatigue, weakness, and dizziness can also be a sign of cardiovascular disease and should be handled carefully.

There are 3 main treatment methods in cardiovascular diseases. The first of these is drug therapy, the effectiveness of which can reach the level of other methods when applied correctly. The second and most commonly used method is coronary balloon angioplasty and stent procedures. Today, in the light of new technological developments, guide wires, microcatheters and balloons that can open even hard and completely occluded vessels have been produced and presented to our clinical use. In addition, with the new generation drug-coated stents, reocclusion rates have now dropped below 1%. Another treatment method is coronary artery bypass surgery.

As a result, the heart, which starts to work from the twenty-first day in the mother’s womb and continues to work day and night, is actually a durable organ. However, environmental and genetic factors faced by human beings can make this vascular and durable organ sick from an early age.


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