Low-calorie diets cause developmental delay in children!

Low-calorie diets cause developmental delay in children!

2022-05-20 13:00:01/ Kategori : Child Health, Nutrition and Diet

What are healthy snacks for school-aged children?

Parents have important duties to protect school-age children from obesity, unhealthy and malnutrition. Especially canteens and street vendors should be avoided, and healthy eating options should be created for children with easy snacks prepared by parents at home. It is necessary to stay away from foods made from white flour, containing sugar, cream, and unhealthy fats. Handmade cakes and cookies made with whole wheat or oats and made with dried fruits and nuts can be good healthy snacks. Raw vegetables such as cucumber, carrot and lettuce are also easy and practical healthy snacks. In addition, fresh fruits and dried fruits should be found in school-age children’s bags, as they will be good sources of energy.

How to provide healthy eating habits to school-age children?

Parents are the people who will provide healthy eating habits in school-age children. As in everything else, they will gain by imitating their parents in their eating habits. Especially the habits of sitting at the table, the cooking styles of the parents at the table, and the food choices will also ensure the child’s eating habits. Especially if he sits at the table in a peaceful environment, the plate-fork-knife he uses is suitable for the age and use of the child, and if he is more affectionate, he will gain the habit of healthy eating more easily. If there is a parent who does not eat vegetables, it should not be expected that their child will eat vegetables at the table. It is not enough to just say that the vegetable is healthy, it must accompany it and eat from that vegetable, and this habit is gained. Especially acquiring the habit of breakfast is the most important eating habit.

How can I get the breakfast habit?

No matter how early he gets up, parents must prepare the child’s breakfast or have breakfast together at the same table and send it to school. Especially comparing children with other children, comparing them as you eat less or more is very inconvenient, it can negatively affect the child’s eating habits. The importance of having breakfast should be explained and it should be underlined that breakfast is absolutely necessary in order to gather enough energy during the day.

What should school-age children eat for breakfast?

Children in the growth and development age should especially prefer foods with high protein content. Chief among these are eggs, milk and dairy products. Eggs should be consumed once a day, especially since they have the highest protein content and the highest quality. Milk and dairy products, cheese and milk, which are sources of calcium and protein, must be consumed. School-age children should also consume healthy carbohydrates, as they are very active and have high energy requirements. These are white flour, processed foods; It should not be pastry, bagel, pastry or pancake. Instead, cookies made from whole wheat, rye, or oats can be good sources of carbohydrates. Apart from these, fresh vegetables, fruits and dried fruits are good sources of carbohydrates. It will give the child energy during the day. In addition to these, healthy fats are very important in breakfast. Olives, olive oil and walnuts are important because they keep you full for a long time. Since it will keep the child full all day long, it prevents the child from directing to other unhealthy foods.

What foods should school-age children avoid?

School-age children should especially stay away from packaged products. It should especially stay away from additives (MSG) that we call Chinese salt. Because it will be addictive, this Chinese salt will cause them to consume more. Avoid products containing unknown ingredients and high fat and sugar content. Also, avoid beverages containing caffeine. Coffee and sodas are beverages with a high caffeine content. Since they are in the developmental period, they cause excessive calcium excretion from the bones and unfortunately their development may regress. These drinks should be limited. Consumption of beverages high in sugar, such as ready-made fruit juices, sodas, fruit sodas, should be limited. Consumption frequency of sausage, salami and processed meat products should also be reduced.

Can school-aged children diet?

Children in the developmental age should not do low-calorie weight loss diets like adults. School-age children, especially if their weight and height are higher than their peers, it is necessary to prevent excessive calorie intake without stopping their development. This is not a weight loss diet, it can be successful by stopping excess calorie intake and increasing physical activity. This can be called arranging a diet-nutrition program. School-age children need to get enough energy, calcium and protein to maintain a healthy weight. Adequate protein and calcium sources should be added to the diet in order not to hinder bone development and neck growth in school-age children. Unfortunately, low-calorie diets can cause developmental delay in children. While trying to lose weight While trying to prevent obesity, unfortunately, it can cause developmental delay. A program must be implemented under the control of an expert. Reducing the frequency of foods instead of restricting them, and reducing the consumption of unhealthy foods if they are very fond of them is the most important start. Increasing movement, increasing physical activities and sports instead of restricting nutrition is the most important method we use to weaken developmental children. It is more important than dieting in children to remind them of healthy eating rules every day, to make them learn and to raise awareness. It is necessary to instill this awareness in them. If he is very fond of unhealthy foods, reducing their consumption is the most important start. Increasing movement, increasing physical activities and sports instead of restricting nutrition is the most important method we use to weaken developmental children. It is more important than dieting in children to remind them of healthy eating rules every day, to make them learn and to raise awareness. It is necessary to instill this awareness in them. If he is very fond of unhealthy foods, reducing their consumption is the most important start. Increasing movement, increasing physical activities and sports instead of restricting nutrition is the most important method we use to weaken developmental children. It is more important than dieting in children to remind them of healthy eating rules every day, to make them learn and to raise awareness. It is necessary to instill this awareness in them.

What should be in the lunchbox?

Children’s lunch boxes should contain foods that are especially low in sugar. Processed products made from white flour should be minimal. Especially raw vegetables are snacks that parents can easily prepare. These are cucumbers, carrots, fresh and seasonal fruits are among the easiest snacks. Homemade sugar-free, white flour-free cakes and pastries that your parents will prepare at home can be a good option. Ready-made fruit juices and acidic beverages should definitely not be in the lunch box.

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