Medical Nutrition Therapy in Diabetes

Medical Nutrition Therapy in Diabetes

2022-05-20 07:18:27/ Kategori : Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Nutrition and Diet

Medical nutrition therapy has an important place in supporting the treatment of diabetes, controlling blood sugar, preventing or slowing the development of diabetes-related complications. Dietitians help keep blood sugar in balance with personalized nutrition plans that they create by evaluating the metabolic parameters of the patients. For an individual with diabetes, it is important to learn the principles of healthy eating, to be able to choose carbohydrates, to know the concept of the glycemic index and to control portion sizes. In the treatment of diabetes, dietitians prepare patients for a nutrition program that they can maintain, taking into account the cultural preferences and habits of the patients.

The amount of carbohydrates consumed is one of the most important factors affecting the blood sugar level and should be considered in the regulation of the meal plan. It is recommended to consume whole grain and high fiber foods instead of packaged and sugary whole foods made of white flour, containing table sugar, which will suddenly increase blood sugar in individuals with diabetes. Whole wheat bread instead of white bread, bulgur or brown rice instead of rice pilaf, fruits with low glycemic index and vegetables with low starch ratio should be the primary preference of these patient groups instead of sweets with lots of sugar. In order to control blood sugar, snack consumption is as important as the main meal. In addition to complex carbohydrates consumed in snacks, protein sources such as milk, yoghurt or buttermilk or fat group foods such as raw almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts should be added.

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