Myoma in women

Myoma in women

2022-05-20 08:42:03/ Kategori : Gynecology and Obstetrics

Myoma is one of the most common gynecological diseases. Twenty-five of every 100 women develop fibroids, and a third of these women also develop a problem. This disease originating from the uterine tissue is defined as benign masses that protrude outside or inside the uterus. The cause of this occurrence is generally thought to be genetic. The incidence of fibroids increases with advancing age in the childbearing age. It grows especially during the reproductive period and pregnancy, and shrinks during the menopause.

Growth tendency is directly related to estrogen hormone. Fibroids, which do not usually show clear symptoms, may be suspected due to irregular, excessive menstrual bleeding, menstrual cramps, and groin pain.


Fibroids usually do not cause any complaints. Physicians may suspect fibroids when a doctor is consulted due to changes in irregular menstrual bleeding. Women with fibroids may have longer menstrual periods; can become concentrated and disorganized. There may be pain in the lower parts of the abdomen and there is a desire to go to the toilet frequently by pressing on the urinary tract. Iron deficiency and fatigue may occur as a result.

Iron deficiency is caused by irregular and excessive bleeding. The most common complaint is increased menstrual bleeding. If the fibroids enlarge, they can be felt in the abdomen when touched by hand. It can cause premature birth and miscarriage.

Here are the symptoms of fibroids:

*Irregular period

* Intense and long menstrual period

* Going to the toilet frequently

*Iron deficiency

* Fatigue, weakness, constant desire to sleep

* Groin pain

* Feeling pain and pressure during intercourse

The diagnosis of fibroids is usually made by gynecological examination and ultrasonographic examination. Blood tests show the severity of the bleeding. Fibroids should be followed at least 6 months apart. Although cancer is rare in fibroids, cancer is suspected in rapidly growing fibroids.

The treatment method is determined according to the complaints. Painkillers and birth control pills can be preferred for menstrual pains. In order to reduce heavy bleeding (hormonal spiral), intrauterine devices can be inserted into suitable people.

If there is no response to the drug treatment, if there is a desire for a child and pregnancy does not occur, if there is rapid growth in the myoma, if the complaints of uterine fibroids, abdominal bloating, constipation, deep anemia and bleeding gradually increase, the decision for surgery is taken.

Myoma Surgery

Myoma surgery is usually performed in two ways. These are closed method (laparoscopic, hysteroscopic surgery) and open method.

In the laparoscopic method, no large incision is made, the procedure is performed by entering through holes of approximately 0.5 cm and watching the monitor opposite the surgeon. The small incision makes the post-operative process comfortable. In order to choose this method, the size, number and location of the audience are also important.

In the hysteroscopic method, surgery is performed in fibroids that have grown into the uterus, by entering the uterus through the vagina. It is a comfortable and less painful operation, just like the laparoscopic method.

In the open method, a 10-15 cm incision is made on the skin in the lowest part of the abdomen. It is generally preferred in fibroids that have increased in size and carry cancer risk. In women who have completed their fertile period, the entire uterus can be surgically removed, if necessary, instead of just myoma.


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