Tips for Glycemic Index Control

Tips for Glycemic Index Control

2022-05-20 08:46:21/ Kategori : Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Nutrition and Diet

Diabetes is a lifelong disease that can occur at any age. A person with diabetes should learn how to control blood sugar and most importantly how to eat.

Diabetes is a disease that develops when the hormone insulin cannot be produced or used effectively. The person with diabetes cannot use the glucose that passes into the blood from the foods he eats and hyperglycemia occurs. Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism is disturbed. Insulin hormone acts as a key for glucose to be used as energy, allowing glucose to be transported into cells. Blood sugar irregularities can cause eye problems, cardiovascular and kidney diseases, and nervous system damage.

It is important how much a food containing 50 grams of carbohydrates on the glycemic index increases blood sugar compared to the reference food. The reference food is glucose or white bread. Foods with a low glycemic index raise blood sugar in a more controlled way. For this reason, foods with a low glycemic index should be preferred in food selection. So what are the factors affecting the glycemic index? The glycemic index is affected by the digestion-absorption rates of foods, the amount of protein-fat they contain, the fiber and the processes applied to the foods.

Absorption and digestion rates of nutrients

The higher the absorption and digestion rate of food, the higher the glycemic index. For example, the absorption rate of bread is higher than that of lentils. This means that bread has a higher glycemic index.

Importance of Pulp

Fiber has the effect of reducing carbohydrate absorption and raising blood sugar in a more controlled manner. Therefore, it has a lower glycemic index. In addition, fiber-rich foods have lower calories and increase the feeling of satiety by occupying volume in the stomach. At the same time, because of the high fiber content of grain foods, the glycemic index is lower than liquids. Therefore, the fruit itself should be consumed instead of fruit juice. As a source of fiber, do not forget to include vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereal products and dried legumes in your daily diet, paying attention to portion sizes.

Protein-fat amounts

Foods containing protein and fat delay gastric emptying and slow down the absorption of starch. You can control blood sugar by adding nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds, which contain oil, as well as fruit.

Processes applied to foods

Cooking times of foods also affect the glycemic index. Starchy foods that take longer to cook have a higher glycemic index. When it cools, resistant starch forms. For this reason, the glycemic index of foods waiting after cooking decreases. You can add potatoes with high glycemic index to your vegetable dishes by paying attention to the amount.

As a result, the person with diabetes should learn which foods increase blood sugar by controlling blood sugar. Instead of a diet full of prohibitions, he should consume all the nutrients by paying attention to the portion sizes. Adequate and balanced nutrition is necessary to avoid complications of diabetes and to lead a better quality of life. A healthy eating program is common for everyone.

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