The IF Diet – Pros and Cons of the Latest Diet Trend

The IF Diet – Pros and Cons of the Latest Diet Trend

2022-05-20 11:51:00/ Kategori : Nutrition and Diet

Intermittent Fasting Promises Healthier and Longer Life, Does It Succeed?

One of today’s popular diets, ‘intermittent fasting’, involves alternating periods of normal eating and extreme calorie restriction. Proponents of this diet claim that it helps to lose weight faster than traditional diets, as well as reduces the risk of inflammation and other heart disease.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Weight loss is achieved if the energy taken from food each day is less than the body expends for normal activities, all diets use this equation. Intermittent fasting achieves this goal by severely restricting calories on certain days of the week or at certain times of the day. The theory of this diet is to help reduce appetite by slowing down the metabolism. Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health Director of Nutrition, Dr. Frank Hu states that another diet model that has become popular is the 5:2 diet. With this diet, the individual will eat normally 5 days a week, but will limit calorie intake to only 500-600 calories on 2 days.

Fasting For Weight Loss?

Research studies evaluating intermittent fasting to date have been scant and were recorded with a limited number of participants. In a study published in the June 1, 2017 journal of JAMA Internal Medicine, 100 obese individuals followed one of the following three eating plans;

  1. Restricting your daily calorie intake by the same amount each day (similar to a traditional diet plan)
  2. intermittent fasting
  3. Continuing normal eating habits

At the end of 12 months, the diet groups achieved weight loss compared to those on the normal diet. But those who practiced intermittent fasting did not do better than those who were conventionally calorie-restricted.

Potential Hazards

Notable aspect of this study was the high dropout rate among those who practiced intermittent fasting (38%). This may reflect the potential danger of intermittent fasting as a weight loss approach. Dr Hu said, “It is in the nature of people to want to reward themselves after doing a very difficult job. For example, prolonged exercise or hunger can lead to unhealthy eating habits on normal eating days.” states as. There is also a strong biological effort to overcome periods of fasting. Hunger hormones and the hunger center in the brain work extremely fast when deprived of food.

Kathy McManus, Director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, states that intermittent fasting has beneficial effects on the psychology of diet for some people. McManus states that the main goal is to develop a healthy eating model that is sustainable and can support weight loss over time. Intermittent fasting has not been proven to meet this important criterion.

Dr. “One hypothesis is that intermittent fasting may activate cellular mechanisms that help boost immunity and reduce inflammation associated with chronic disease.” states as. It is true that getting rid of excess body fat will improve a person’s metabolic profile and reduce cardiovascular risk. There is no strong evidence that intermittent fasting has additional health benefits beyond other weight loss strategies.

Who Should Not Practice Intermittent Fasting?

If such diets are considered, a physician should be consulted. In some conditions, such as diabetes, skipping meals and severe calorie restriction can be dangerous. Individuals taking medications for blood pressure or heart disease may become more prone to electrolyte imbalances with intermittent fasting.

SOURCE: University Health News Daily

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