Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer

2022-05-20 09:18:26/ Kategori : General Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics

Although Cervical Cancer is a common type of cancer among female genital cancers, its development and spread take a long time, thanks to the Pap Smear test, which has been very important recently, by detecting pre-cancer atypical cellular changes even 5-15 years ago. It is a type of cancer that can be prevented by treatment methods to be applied before the disease progresses.

It is known that HPV infection plays a 98% role in the development of this disease. The mean age is 52.2, and it is more common between the ages of 35-39 and 60-64. For this reason, annual smear screening is recommended for all women between the ages of 21-70. If there are at least 3 normal smear results in the last 10 years and there is no pathological smear condition, the screening can be terminated at the age of 70. Since the HPV virus, which is a sexually transmitted virus in its formation, has become extremely widespread today based on unprotected and multi-partner relationships, it is now considered necessary to perform the HPV test together with the Pap Smear test.

If there are symptoms such as bleeding after sexual intercourse, abnormal and non-menstrual uterine bleeding, watery bloody foul-smelling discharge, low back and leg pain, a gynecologist should be consulted without delay and the smear test should be repeated, even if it has not been 1 year, together with the examination and gynecological ultrasound.

In case of an abnormal finding as a result of the smear, cervical biopsy should be performed under colposcopy along with the HPV test, and small-large surgical interventions such as LEEP, conization, hysterectomy, if necessary, can be performed according to the results. For this reason, it is essential that the risk of developing this disease is determined very early with a routine examination at 6-12 months and appropriate tests deemed necessary, and appropriate follow-up with simple treatment methods and necessary recommendations to be made. In addition, 3 doses of a vaccine developed against 4 particularly common types of this HPV virus that causes cervical cancer has not been taken yet,

As a result; In order to be protected from cervical cancer, which is quite and increasingly common nowadays and can cause serious life-threatening consequences if no follow-up-treatment is performed, a 6-month or annual gynecological examination and necessary tests (at the latest, at the latest) should be performed for 6 months or more, depending on the patient’s condition and the physician’s decision, especially in the post-menopausal period. Public awareness should be increased about the HPV test, pap smear test, etc.

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